800 kg/h coffee production line
800 kg/h coffee production line
800 kg/h coffee production line
800 kg/h coffee production line
800 kg/h coffee production line
800 kg/h coffee production line
800 kg/h coffee production line
Used coffee production line capacity 800 kg/h. The line consists of:
- rawm material handling, neumatic transort
- green coffe multichamber stank with scale for weighting
- coffe roaster Probat model G120 earth gas fired
- roasted coffe cooler
- multichamber tank for roasted cofee with scale
- coffe mixer for rearation of mix before grinding
- mill/grinder for coffe
- grinded cofeee tanks
- vacuum packeging machine (125 g, 500 g, 100 g). 3 packaging machine made in Spain.
The line is new 20002. It was installed in 2004 and worked for 1 year. Currently installed but stoed.